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« a month old | Main | look what they gone done to birth »

April 24, 2009


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Take a cue from the dirty diapers! I went through this, too. My girl went through a week or so where she would only eat for a few minutes before going back to sleep. I kept crazy logs of her feedings and diapers (she too had plenty of diapers)and ended up crying because I worried that there was something wrong or I'd have to end up supplementing with formula. I think I even obsessed over whether or not her pee diapers were wet enough to qualify as a truly wet diaper. Ahh, to be a first time mom :). But at her next weight check she had gained more than enough and is growing like a weed.

I bet Nola is getting plenty of the good stuff. Hang in there - I think your anxiety is pretty normal but you're doing a great job!


CONGATULATIONS! I had no idea where you were, or that you were pregnant or anything! WOW!

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